Dear Valuable Customers

Food prices are affected by global events, such as the war in Ukraine, which affects the costs of wheat and other commodities. Prices also reflect the impact of natural disasters like crop-killing droughts and diseases such as avian flu, which have constrained the supply of eggs and turkeys.

The ongoing Russia-Ukraine conflict continues to affect supply, production, and manufacturing costs worldwide, causing inflation and a significant increase in prices. The price of food is expected to increase by up to 11 percent, with the cost of beef, poultry, milk, eggs, and fruit driving the surge. Prices could shoot even higher with droughts affecting crops halting shipments needed for both food and crop production.

You’ve probably noticed price rises on Eggs as the Avian Influenza (H5N1, bird flu) outbreak has significantly reduced the supply of eggs, driving up costs across the board. Most of the eggs sold in US stores are produced domestically. The Avian Flu Pandemic began approximately six months ago and has reduced the capacity of the egg-laying business by about 10 percent and the price in Turkey also rose by 20 percent. Increases in Romaine lettuce are attributed to supply and demand, changes in growing areas, drought, and a plant virus that ravaged a California growing region in recent months by avian flu.

The price of the popular lettuce is up to an average of 61 percent higher than it was one year ago. That is the steepest climb in cost for any food product being tracked by the federal Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Graceway shares your concerns about higher food costs and the challenges you are facing. While the cost of inflation is beyond our control, we want to help ease the burden as much as possible. We remain committed to keeping you informed about these global trends.

While maintaining the quality and freshness of our food, Graceway Supermarkets is making every effort to purchase from various suppliers. We have also launched Everyday Low Prices on over 150 breadbasket items that matter most to you, our valuable customers.