Press Release: Safety measures in-store and Easter opening hours.
/Safety First
In order to protect both our workers and customers, we are implementing new safety measures across all store over the next couple of days. These include:
Protective screens fitted at each checkout in all stores.
Social distancing floor stickers to help our customers stay 6ft apart.
Face masks for our workers.
What can you do to help?
This is a time for us all to work together, protect one another and keep our community safe. Here are a few things you can do to help:
Stay Home. Protect your family. Protect our workers. Protect us all.
Only shop when you really need to.
Practise social distancing. Shop alone and stay 6 feet apart from others at all times.
Protect our essential workers, who have priority access to our stores from 7AM-8AM only.
Easter Opening Hours
FROM THURSDAY 9th TO MONDAY 13th, April 2020
In compliance with the Emergency Powers Ordinance, our opening hours over the easter weekend will be:
Thursday 9th - Closed at Noon.
In order to remain compliant with the ordinance, please be aware doors will close at noon. This means the line outside will be managed to allow enough time for the last customers to shop and exit before noon, after this cut-off point no further customers will be allowed entry.
Friday 10th - Closed.
Saturday 11th - Open 8am-7pm (*7am-8am essential workers).
Sunday 12th - Closed.
Monday 13th - Open 8am-7pm (*7am-8am essential workers).
Thank you for your support and stay safe.
Sincerely, The Graceway Supermarkets Team.